And speaking of great lamps, Inside Avenue has a ton of 'em! A few of my favorites: the Florentine, the Mayfair, and the Zanzibar. 

Okay, so I'm cheating a bit here, as these Iron Vines wall decals by Blik are actually cocoa colored, but wouldn't it be great if they were black? Look how well they'd match that shoe organizer.
By the way, I'll take Viggo too, if no one objects.
Do you see a pattern emerging here, or is it just me? This Rustic Baroque Coaster Set is available at Target and would look very nice supporting Viggo's glass of wine, don't you think?
I love interior design. I can't tell you how many waking hours I spend daydreaming about how I'd remodel and decorate my house if I could afford it. I could window shop (online, on the street, or in the pages of home decor magazines and catalogs) all day long. My tastes are, I think, at once quirky and refined. Maybe not. I'm certainly no expert. But I know what I like.